Welcome, and thank you for your interest in Living on Island time, anytime. Island time is more about mindset than geography.
Your mindset determines how you perceive the world and experience life.With many aspects of our world seemingly spiraling out of control, your mindset, your perception, and your attitude are all completely within your control.
Living on Island time anytime is your own ability to take your mind where you need it to go, so you can accomplish what you need to in any given moment.

Eager to simplify and enjoy a life you LOVE?
Wondering what it takes to be happy, healthy, wealthy and wise?
Curious about your divine purpose on this planet?
Let me help you help yourself illuminate insight, unearth your own internal wisdom while cultivating courage and clarity regarding your life purpose and path.
I have always enjoyed helping, encouraging and creative problem solving, a combined curiouslty that led me to study Psychology, human development and family relations at East Carolina University.
As a counselor, facilitator, speaker, author and coach, I see and hear that people feel empowered after interacting with me. My nearest and dearest have been respectfully requesting “Missy time” for decades.
It is not something specific I do, but who I am, and how I listen in a manner that helps people see themselves more clearly, from the inside out, in order to gain a new understanding and appreciation for who they are, where they are and where they want to be in life.
This year I celebrate 25 years of independent entrepreneurship!
My evolution began an in-home family counselor, a very challenging yet rewarding job that prompted me to start my business training helping professionals and educators how to work effectively with families. From there, I took my passion for people to the corporate world, where I offer seminars, team building and leadership development. This experience led me to larger audiences as a conference and keynote speaker, newspaper columnist and published author. I continue to nurture individuals, families, teams and organizations, including counseling those who serve our country.
I am the Keith Urban of coaching and consulting: I just want a little bit of everything! And it works! I have built my business and my life on the island by doing more of what I love and less of what I don’t .
Please let me help you do the same for yourself.
Call to schedule your complimentary catalyst call and let me help you help yourself live the life you desire and deserve.
Call: 919-219-2666
Email me at missy@islandtimeanytime.com
You are worth the investment.
Life is good, but LIVING is better!
A New Year brings opportunities for a fresh start, and is a time that people tend to set New Year’s resolutions. A resolution is a firm decision and determination to do or not to do something differently. If you lack determination, you will never fulfill your New Year's resolutions. Resolution is the noun form of the verb resolve, which comes from Latin resolvere, "to loosen, undo, settle." Another definition relates to a measure of the sharpness of an image or of the fineness with which a device (such as a camera, printer, or scanner) can produce or record such an image visually.
Common resolutions include losing weight, getting organized, being more consistent and conscious about finances and relationships.
It is important to realize that a resolution is an evolution, not an event. It took time to develop your current habits, and it takes time to change and create new ones. All too often, people give up by the end of the month, feeling as if they have failed because their long-term goal has not come to fruition immediately. (Have you ever noticed how crowded the gym parking lot gets in January?) The parking issue subsides within a few months.
How sharp is your image of your resolution resolved? How clearly will you know when you have achieved your goal? How determined are you to do what it takes, and what visual image have you posted of your ultimate outcome? Who can you count on to support and encourage you along the way?
Some simple suggestions for success:
Resolve to do something different, one baby step at a time
Know clearly what value your new behavior holds for you
Tell someone close to you and ask him or her to hold you accountable
Celebrate small successes along the way
Give yourself credit for all effort, realizing not all resolutions hold their value forever
Reflect on your progress in preparation for projecting your best next steps
Here’s to YOU and your new resolutions. Realize you have all year to accomplish them and there is no reason to wait until January to set new ones.
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